Year 1 IST Mural painting
Our Year 1 students started work on a mural today in their Immersion Study Time (IST). The students were responding to two stories: My Country by Ezekiel Kwaymullina and Why I Love Australia by Bronwyn Bancroft. Both of these books examine the special features of our country such as the reef, the desert and the bush and why we love these beautiful places. After reading these stories the students went for a walk around their own special place: St Paul’s. They were asked to find a small piece of the natural school environment such as a pebble, stick, feather or leaf. The students arranged their natural objects on the mural surface. They then circled their object in bright coloured acrylic and added lines to link the objects together with the ones found by their classmates. This resulted in a series of bright shapes and interconnected lines, something like a roadmap. More acrylic was used to fill in spaces and add pattern and detail inspired by the stories the students read at the start of the session. It was quite a feat having nearly 60 young students all painting and working collaboratively for the entire session!
The mural is a work-in-progress with the Year 1 teachers planning for the students to add in further detail in the next IST session in Week 5.
Ms Danielle Young
Visual Culture Teacher