What’s Been Happening in the Library – Term 1, Week 8
It’s been an exciting few weeks in the Library and Innovation Precinct.
Lunchtime Activities
The Lunchtime activities in the Create space are very popular with students in Year 4 -12. From Lego Drop-in Day (Tuesday) and Sewing and Textiles Club (Wednesday) to students working on their own ongoing projects, there is aways something to be created, prototyped, tested or made. It’s been wonderful seeing students working to create their own puppets, learning pattern and sewing skills and customising the design to create their own unique puppet.
The Innovation Precinct has two new podcasting set-ups available for students to create their very own podcasts. As well as being used for learning and curriculum areas, these set-ups can be used by students to create a podcast on a topic of interest. Instructions about the equipment and starting their own podcast can be found on this guide.
The Library Trivia competition is a long-held tradition. Our first round of the term saw a great turn out to test their knowledge of popular culture. The reining champs took home the win – congratulations to Mrs Johnson’s Men – Sam, Lachlan and Fraser.
Author Visit – Jo Sandhu
It was wonderful to welcome Jo Sandhu, author of the Tarin of the Mammoths series, to St Paul’s to work with the Year 3-6 students on their writing skills. Students learnt about generating ideas for their stories, creating characters and the research process used in writing.
Prototyping and Design
The Possibility Hub offers all students and all subject areas the chance to prototype, design and create. The Year 11 Design students worked in three different mediums to create their product design prototypes.
The Year 5 students used the prototyping materials in the Possibility Hub to bring their Science animal adaptations to life.
Year 7 and 9 Library Lessons
The Year 7 English classes and Year 9 English classes have been working on creating recorded presentation and Digital Stories for their assessment piece this term. Each class has had multiple Library sessions to help them learn the basics of multimedia creation, recording and video editing skills. They have also been using the Innovation Precinct spaces and equipment to record their projects. Students in Year 7 can find extra help for recording their graphic novel presentation on their Year 7 English LibPath, and the Year 9 students will find a range of helpful links and videos on their Multimedia LibPath.
Year 3 Junior Fiction License
Congratulations to the Year 3 students for receiving their Fiction Licenses. These students have worked hard this term to learn about fiction and genres they might like to read. Their achievement was celebrated in style with a special ceremony where they received their Fiction License.