THE POWER OF DLV – Term 4, Week 3 Update
Our two 2020 Design Led Ventures Teams – 22 students from years 7-12, continue to develop and hone some serious skills and techniques.
Students in the program continue to enhance and be empowered to use their creative dispositions such as:
- Undertaking trial and error
- Being flexible and agile in their thinking
- Engaging and persisting
- Collaborating
- On-going reflection
- Imagination and curiosity
- Creating and conveying novel ideas
Each team hit a massive milestone last week, 120 ideas on how to catapult their clients’ success and engage more customers, an amazing display of the power of creativity.
Our DLV program also considers the Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain (Daniel Siegel, 2014) in how it is designed and executed. We ensure students are given the opportunity to make social connections, are exposed to new experiences and new challenges, and can undertake creative explorations, seeing the world through new lenses.
Three weeks until they present their pitch and report to the client, the excitement is building.
Want to know more? Or get involved?
Please contact Dr Renae Jones or Mr Tim Osborne
Dr Jones + Mr Osborne