Term 3, Week 1 Music Update
Term 3 Performance Dates
Welcome back to all our lovely musicians and parents. We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable break and are ready for the busy term that lies ahead. (All instrumental lessons and ensemble rehearsals began this week as usual – please remember these always start in the first week of every term, with the exclusion of only Term 1.)
Please make sure you check the ‘Events’ tab on the St Paul’s Music website for the most current and detailed information about upcoming performances. The current list of Music dates to remember is as follows;
- Sunday July 23 – Brisbane City Bands Festival @ Queen St Mall
- Monday July 24 – Music Ensemble Photos – bring performance uniform to school
- Thursday July 10 – ‘Essentially Ellington’ Big Band Festival (Stage Band and Big Band) @ Marist College Ashgrove
- Saturday August 26 – St Paul’s Fair performances
- Sunday September 10 – Junior Ensembles Concert @ the Walker Centre
Solo Competition
After a long and arduous audition and heat process that took many weeks, we were treated to a night of magnificent music at the final of the 2017 St Paul’s Music Solo Competition on Thursday June 15 at Sandgate Town Hall. Both the Middle School and Senior School sections were incredibly close, and our adjudicator, Ms Diana Tolmie, had the extremely difficult task of judging whom to award first, second and third in each section. While all musicians who were brave enough to enter the competition, and then make it through to either Round 2 or the final, deserve our admiration and congratulations for their fine performances, decisions had to be made. Congratulations to the following winners;
Middle School
1st – Callum Heard (trumpet)
2nd – Belle Smibert (violin)
3rd – Tim Buchanan (percussion)
Senior School
1st – Ayaka Mori (French horn)
2nd – Josh Mellor (bass guitar)
3rd – Riley Yorston (vocal)
The Return of C#
This term we welcome back Ms Carolyn Sharp, who is returning to the Music Department to teach classroom Music after a year of maternity leave. We’re all very happy to have Ms Sharp back with us and are sure that the students will be delighted to see her again.
This means that we had to bid a sad farewell to the lovely Miss Mel Warren, who replaced Ms Sharp during her absence. We will miss Ms Warren’s kind and gentle nature, and thank her for all she did for the students while she was here. Everyone at St Paul’s, and in the Music Department, wish her all the best at her next school – they’ll be lucky to have her.
SPS Strings Tour – Bundaberg – June 2017
The Strings Tour to Bundaberg in the June/July holidays was a wonderful and rewarding experience for all who participated. The students performed for two primary schools and a retirement village with outstanding success. Here are some of the comments from the audiences:
“Apart from myself, who was in absolute awe of the students’ performance, I can honestly pass on to you that our residents said that this is the highest quality concert they have had the luxury to experience here.
“There are no words that can express our gratitude. It was awesome.”
Lesley Carron,
The Lakes Retirement Village
“Just to say a special thanks to you and all the students who played for us today. Everyone was extremely impressed and I am positive all the kids who witnessed the performance will go home with a positive comment. You can be justly proud of the kids who are great ambassadors for your school. Once again many thanks and pass on my thanks to the students on a job well done.”
Douglas Ambrose
Bundaberg East State School
The students also had the opportunity to visit the Bundaberg Barrel to taste the many delights of the soft drink factory, and spent the afternoon at Bargara Beach.
A big thank-you to Mrs Kellee Green and Mrs Gibbs, who helped make the tour a wonderful experience.
Contact Us
For more information on events, lessons or ensemble rehearsals, please visit the St Paul’s Music website – http://stpaulsmusic.com.au/ – and follow us on Facebook (St Paul’s Music) and Instagram (@musicsps).