Teen Reading Habits Research
Did you know that 61% of Australian teens identify difficulty in choosing a good book as a barrier to them reading more? 48% say that having more good books at their school library would help them to read more.
But what do teens think are good books? And how do they find good books in an increasingly saturated entertainment market?
St Paul’s School has the incredible opportunity to contribute to research around teen reading habits. Students from selected English classes from Year 7 to Year 12 will be invited to participate in a survey conducted by researchers from Deakin University and Queensland University of Technology. The research aims to understand the reading habits of secondary school students in WA, VIC, NSW and QLD asking Australian teens about their reading practices and preferences. You will be informed via email whether your child will be invited to complete the survey. It takes only 10-15 minutes to complete the survey online using a computer, phone, or tablet. All responses will be anonymous.
You can read more about the survey here. If you would like to know more about our research and meet the researchers, you can watch this short video https://youtu.be/w7yW4cRgW4Q