On Sunday, 14 March the St Paul’s Earlyact and Interact teams attended the Rotary District 9600 Youth Conference. Both teams…
Stay connected with all the exciting achievements, events, and updates from the SPS community through our monthly newsletter. Each edition celebrates our vibrant school life and keeps you informed about the latest happenings across our campus.
In conjunction with Interact, St Paul’s School assists in assembling birthing kits for disadvantaged women in remote communities around the…
Interact will once again work with Zonta Pine Rivers to hold the annual Birthing Kit Assembly Day on Saturday 14…
Former Aussie teacher, Gemma Sisia, opened the gates to School of St Jude in Tanzania 15 years ago. Now, thanks…
Our Interact Club is stronger than ever! This week, many members were presented with their badges. The club is led…
Did you know that the United Nations (W.H.O.) estimates that over 300,000 women die annually in childbirth. Did you…
The second Kitchen of Kindness happened last Monday at St Paul’s when Interact, Round Square and other student and staff…