We need your assistance… Help us fill the Tubs in the Hubs (Innovation Precinct Possibility Hub prototyping and product making…
Stay connected with all the exciting achievements, events, and updates from the SPS community through our monthly newsletter. Each edition celebrates our vibrant school life and keeps you informed about the latest happenings across our campus.
Thank you to all of you who completed our recent Parent Engagement Survey. We had 200 responses from across the…
As you may be aware, I enjoy reading. One of my favourite authors is Scott Peck. Peck is a psychiatrist…
I probably shouldn’t be, but I’m always a little surprised at how pleased most students seem to be to return…
A Global Community I hope you had a blessed Easter – and what a blessing that the snap lockdown didn’t…
If I had a dollar for every time someone has made a joke at my expense about ‘Nigel no-friends’ I…
I recently read a description of adolescence as “a period of temporary insanity”[1]. While this might be an over-statement, parents…
There were many powerful lessons that came out of 2020. One of those lessons was about how much value we…
This semester in IST, our Year 4s with the guidance of Dr Renae Jones (CIE), Mrs Skinner and Mrs Lees…
Looking for your next challenge? Want to be more active? Spend more time with your dog? You can do all…
25 Year 9 students took part in the annual Altitude Day Leadership Seminar last Wednesday. Altitude Day is targeted directly…
Our Year 8 students experienced their outdoor education adventure last week and despite the, at times, inclement weather, the four…
St Paul’s has developed a mutually beneficial partnership with neighboring school, Bald Hills State School (BHSS). The partnership has been…
It was a short, but big first week back at school. On Wednesday we commemorated ANZAC Day and reflected on…
Service Learning at St Paul’s focuses on two specific areas: Social Justice and Environmental Stewardship. The 2019 Service Learning Environmental…