In 2020, Dr Jordan Nguyen (a Vietnamese-Australian Biomedical Engineer, inventor, and visionary) said, “We’re living at the fastest rate of…
Stay connected with all the exciting achievements, events, and updates from the SPS community through our monthly newsletter. Each edition celebrates our vibrant school life and keeps you informed about the latest happenings across our campus.
Businesses all over the world, small and large, have been scrambling to adapt their business models, employment conditions, delivery channels…
For the first time ever, in 2020 St Paul’s is offering Technovation Girls as an extra-curricular activity. Technovation is a…
5 year levels + 80 teams + 2 days = a heck of a thinktank! It’s a first at St…
Our very own Chemistry teacher, Mr Grant Bollaert, is a co-founder of Wildfire Energy. Wildfire Energy is a cleantech startup,…
Our first ‘Futures Week’ saw some fabulous talent and passionate people share their time and knowledge with students and staff….
Our inaugural Design Led Venture (DLV) Team is well underway. Seven driven, passionate, and courageous female students are working closely…
Some of you may have seen my selfie at the international departure lounge two weeks ago, ready to embark on…
One of our CIE teams, Scrubber Surprise, had a ‘Lunch and Learn’ session last week with a difference… St Paul’s…