What do you want to do with your future? Where will your career take you? Learn from experts in the…
Stay connected with all the exciting achievements, events, and updates from the SPS community through our monthly newsletter. Each edition celebrates our vibrant school life and keeps you informed about the latest happenings across our campus.
COUNSELLING Last night I attended a presentation by Michelle Mitchell who is launching her new book “Parenting Teenage Girls in…
Last week, past student, Michelle Wylie (Class of 2010), shared some of her story with students, staff and family members at…
Our Year 12 Fitness students have seen some fantastic results during their weekly boot camp, circuit training and boxing sessions. After…
Congratulations to Year 11 student, Tessa Power who was recently selected to sample a week ‘behind the scenes’ with the…
Have you heard of CSI St Paul’s? As part of their forensic science unit, Year 12 students are presented with…