St Paul’s School response to Gonski 2.0
You may have seen in the news today that the second part of the Federal Government’s Gonski Review into education has been released.
It’s still early days but two key recommendations stand out.
According to The Australian: “Schools would be required to prioritise the teaching of critical thinking, creativity and social skills.”
Also: “The report also recommends personalised learning and teaching based on each student’s needs, as well as a move away from a year-based curriculum to one targeted to a student’s personal achievement regardless of age.”
It may please you to know that, at St Paul’s, we’re already well underway in moving towards this approach.
Our Realms of Thinking prioritise growing a child’s capacity to think creatively, develop empathy, collaborate and spark their imagination.
Furthermore, we are also well underway in moving towards a ‘vertical’ learning model – one where students are not necessarily allocated according to age, but may work in groups on the basis of interest and capability. Our Entrepreneurs Club, for example, allows students, teachers and parents to all work together. IST in the Junior School is also now being taught vertically.
As you may be aware, Dr Browning is currently overseas visiting innovative schools in England and the United States. What you may not be aware of though is that many of these schools are also implementing vertical learning.
It’s pleasing to see discussion at a Federal level recognise the need for increased creativity in students and the potential vertical learning offers. We look forward to more details being released on the timeframe and policy constraints but this is definitely a step in the right direction.
More broadly though, it’s pleasing to see that St Paul’s is fulfilling our vision as a School is to be leaders in educational thinking and practice.
Mr Nigel Grant
Acting Headmaster