SPS Flood Relief for Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar
“Let your light shine”. It was a saying and motto that was brought to discussions in 8B’s RAVE lesson towards the end of Term 1. It’s a motto that I was raised on at my old high school, Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar. Through our lessons, we had many discussions on The Beatitudes in the book of Matthew and how we can choose to be the salt of the Earth that prevents growth or we can be the light.
During our discussions, I talked about the positive experiences I had when I was at school, it wasn’t the content but the kindness that shone brightest, we even had a clay lamp brought to the school that was used in the time of Jesus! As a class we talked about how we can shine and some students wanted to become involved with shining hope to the flood victims in NSW.
When times are at their darkest, the smallest spark of light is the brightest gift. Thus 8B planned, organised and rallied the Secondary School to support fellow students and families in need, a massive thank you to our biggest donations coming from Taja House.
I had the connection to the region and reached out to the Principal, Mr. Stuart Marquardt, and he was more than happy to have our offer of assistance. Today at St Paul’s, students cheered and spread hope for their teams in the cross country, we also spread hope and light in NSW. I took the 130km drive to see my alumnus and was also over joyed to see some familiar teachers who brought light to my world as a student.
When it comes to sharing the light and being the light, there are so many lives that may be touched and 8B did that beautifully today.
Warmest Regards,
Miss. Hennessy