Statement from St Paul’s School Head of Sport
To the St Paul’s School sporting community,
In light of the current situation surrounding COVID-19 I will like to reassure everyone that the health and safety of all students is our priority.
The current statement from the Australian Sports Commission on Sports Participation in Australia is:
The risk of becoming unwell with COVID-19 without a history of travel to countries listed by the Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA) in the last 14 days is very low. As a result, there are no restrictions on Australians participating in or attending sporting or large public events (accessed 13/03/2020).
While the current advice is that there are no restrictions on participation in sport, I will be advising all staff and coaches of SPS teams to discourage:
- – shaking of hands with team members and opponents
- – huddling with arms around one another
- – singing the SPS song after winning a game
- – sharing of water bottles (all students should have their own bottle clearly labelled with their name).
Also, I would encourage staff and students to use hand sanitiser before and after trainings and games. Where possible, St Paul’s School will provide hand sanitiser. However, please be aware that this may not be possible in some instances due to the current shortages.
Students and/or coaches who are unwell, in particular that are demonstrating the following symptoms, should not attend training sessions or games:
- – fever
- – flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fatigue
- – shortness of breath.
If there are any further updates regarding the participation of sport, we will adhere to those guidelines and provide further advice.
Mr Tim Hughes
Head of Sport Development