Service Learning update: Eat up project
Our second Eat Up working bee of the year took place last Tuesday. Eat Up is a Service Learning Program which involves preparing lunches for both Humpybong State School and Bald Hills State School. These two schools provide the lunches to students who may not get lunch prepared for them due to difficult family circumstances. The lunches provided ensure the students who get them stay focused and concentrating throughout the day.
We always have a tremendous response to helping out on these days from our students, and last week was no exception. We had Service Learning volunteers, but also helpers from Mitre and Gladius Houses. Mitre and Gladius have come on board to help sponsor this program through the helping hands of House members, and also financial assistance through House gold coin collections to keep the program going.
Last week’s lunchtime working bee was highly productive with over 150 lunch packs prepared. The schools who benefit from this program are always extremely grateful for our support, however, our students get a lot out of simply giving up their time, working collaboratively with their peers and getting to a great outcome. Well done, to all those students who helped out on the day.