School Events & COVID-19 Restrictions
We are incredibly blessed. With the easing of restrictions in Queensland, we have been able to hold our Year 6 Camp (although not to Canberra), Year 9 Camp and Inter-House Athletics Carnival. There has been some semblance of normality for TAS Sport with Saturday’s games resuming, and the TAS Cross Country Carnival will be held at St Paul’s on Friday 14 August 2020.
All these events have been made possible because people have been exceptional at supporting the restrictions put in place. Sadly, we have had to make sacrifices. For example, I am so sorry that parents are not able to attend the School’s Athletics Carnivals and the JTAS and TAS Cross Country. Events like these can only happen if the organisation (TAS) has a COVID safe plan that adheres to the current restrictions.
With the changing restrictions, there is often confusion and conflicting advice. However, may I please ask that if anyone in your household is tested for COVID-19 that all St Paul’s students in your household stay at home until the results of the test are returned negative. Thank you to all those families who have kept ill children at home and/or children at home until they are cleared by their doctor or until they are better. Your support is greatly appreciated.
The coming months are going to be critical. If we can keep the virus at bay in Queensland, then we will see life continue to return to normality. We will be able to hold the remaining School Camps (for Years 8 and 10) and the key end-of-year events, albeit modified to meet restrictions.
With good management and the combined efforts of all Queenslanders, hopefully we won’t see a second wave of infections before a vaccine is found.
Dr Paul Browning