
Parking and traffic policy


The safety of the children and adults visiting our School (St Paul’s School and St Paul’s Early Learning Centre) is of the highest priority. The parking and driving of cars and other vehicles in and around the school grounds is a daily necessity, but also raises a number of safety and traffic issues that must be well managed.


The purpose of this policy is to facilitate effective, consistent and equitable management of parking and traffic on the School campus. It is also to inform employees, students, parent/guardians, contractors and visitors of their responsibilities when parking and driving on the School campus.

The School regulates access to and usage of the roads and parking facilities on its campus. The School endeavours to:

  • Provide a safe access to and around the school for all pedestrians;
  • Provide an orderly arrangement for parking of vehicles on the school campus;
  • Acknowledge that parking on the school campus, is a privilege and not a right; and
  • Ensure that car and vehicle parking in and around the school grounds is orderly, safe and in accordance with the law.

Non-compliance with this policy may result in discipline or penalties being applied. Failure of the School to strictly enforce any or all aspects of this policy shall not be construed as a waiver for the future enforcement of this policy.


The School requires all persons who enter the School campus with a vehicle or who seek to park a vehicle on the campus are to comply with this policy, signs and instructions including instructions by management, security and caretakers.

The provisions expressed in this policy apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


  • Senior Leaders are responsible for planning and strategic management of the School infrastructure, including car parking;
  • The School reserves the right to vary its car parking policy and procedures;
  • Proper and safe parking and traffic practices will be communicated via School communication channels;
  • All signs and line markings are to be complied with; and
  • Vehicles parked within the School campus contrary to signs and/or road markings, or in a manner so as to cause an obstruction or safety hazard, may be subject to a fine, a direction to move the vehicle and/or permanent exclusion from all campus grounds.


  • Locating an authorised parking bay is the responsibility of the driver. Lack of parking space, inclement weather conditions, time constraints, or other causes are not considered valid excuses for violation of this policy;
  • Unreserved parking is provided by the School for students, parents, staff, contractors and visitors;
  • Sufficient disabled car parking will be available and monitored;
  • All parking bays are clearly identified by coloured line markings and/or signage;
  • Vehicles must be parked wholly within the parking bays denoted by painted lines or other markings, and are not to be parked or placed so as to obstruct the free and safe passage of vehicles;
  • Yellow solid lines are no standing and no parking zones;
  • No parking in emergency bay;
  • Do not park in such a way as to obstruct other vehicles from leaving their bays;
  • Do not block driveways;
  • Request for reserved parking for guests is to be directed to Property and Facilities Manager 48 hours before arrival;
  • Builders and contractor vehicles should be parked within the relevant building site or as directed by the Facility and Property Manager;
  • Maintenance and delivery vehicles should be parked in loading zones or as directed by the Facility and Property Manager, however such vehicles must not impede the free flow of traffic under any circumstances;
  • Parking is not allowed on the Multipurpose Court;
  • Approved Students are to park in the Student Car Park located via the Attunga Street access to Sports Oval. Students are to refer to their relevant policies and forms; and
  • The parking of any vehicle inside the school grounds is at the discretion of the Headmaster.

Entry into School Grounds

The car park gate will be securely locked out of school hours, with keys sparingly distributed to appropriate people.

Attunga Street Entrance accessing the Early Learning Centre and Junior School will open by 6.30am weekdays during School term.

Attunga Street Entrance accessing Sports Ovals:

  • School Term Weekdays: opened from 6.30am;
  • Weekend: opening and closing of gate is the responsibility of the School group involved in the activity utilising the grounds in this area.

Only the following vehicles are permitted to enter the School campus:

  • Vehicles of employees, parent/guardians and students of the School;
  • Vehicles of visitors and School Caretakers who have business or are attending meetings, functions or extra-curricular activities and the like within School campus;
  • Vehicles making delivery of goods ordered by the School, and contractors to the School;
  • Vehicles picking up or setting down passengers who are employees, students or visitors of the School; and
  • Emergency vehicles.


  • Do not stand or leave your vehicle whilst in Pick Up and Drop Off Zones;
  • Move your vehicle forward when a space ahead becomes available;
  • No person other than the Caretaker, Grounds and Maintenance staff is to drive a vehicle onto the school grounds without prior approval from the Facility and Property Manager. The exception to this clause is the use of a Golf Buggy;
  • Speed limits are marked by traffic control signs on campuses and must be complied with;
  • Vehicle operators are subject to Australian Road Rules when driving on School campus and may be fined or penalised under those rules; and
  • At all times on School campus pedestrians have right of way. Accordingly, operators of vehicles on School campus will always give way to pedestrians.

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