
Lockdown & Security

On encountering a need to lockdown:

Remove People
If safe to do so, rescue people in imminent danger.

Alert People

  • Call 000 (if able to)
  • Call School Leadership using the emergency quick dial, on your desk phone, ext. 4012, 07 3261 0133

Lockdown Initiated
The lockdown alarm can be initiated by the following staff: Principal, Director of Business & Operations, Facilities Manager, Risk & Compliance Officer, Tooth Reception.


  • Remain indoors or move indoors
  • Secure doors and windows
  • Turn off lights
  • Sit on the floor
  • Turn devices to silent
  • Wait for the all-clear tone
  • Follow any instructions from emergency services

Once the all-clear is given, evacuate following our evacuation processes.

On hearing the lockdown alarm:


  • Remain indoors or move indoors
  • Secure doors and windows
  • Turn off lights
  • Sit on the floor
  • Turn devices to silent
  • Wait for the all-clear tone
  • Follow any instructions from emergency services

Once the all-clear is given, evacuate following our evacuation processes.

Suspect objects & Bomb threats


Call 000, Ext. 4012 or 07 3261 0133

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