Helpful resources for parents

Current Parents FAQ

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions from parents at St Paul’s School.  If your question is not listed below, please contact the School via email or phone (3261 1388).

Where is the School calendar?

Due to child protection legislation, the School calendar is not permitted to be publicly visible. You can access the school calendar via Parent Lounge.

Where is my child's sports match this weekend?

The sports draw can be found here.

How do I find out where my child's music performance is?

Music performance details are found here.

How do I know if sport, music or extra-curricular event is cancelled?

Cancelled sport events will be publicised via the Sports page and the School’s app.

Cancelled music events will be publicised via the St Paul’s Music Facebook page

Cancelled extra-curricular activities will be publicised via an email to parents and students.

How can parents get involved at the School?

While many Schools have a P&C (Parents and Citizens) or a P&F (Parents and Friends) committees, at St Paul’s School we have an Association.  The Association is a body of parents and other members of the School community that meet on a regular basis to discuss and support School matters and various School activities.  For more information on the Association, please email the Association President, Samantha Gray, [email protected]

What transport options are available?

Bus and train timetables are available here.

My child won't be at School today. What do I do?

Your child’s absence can be reported here.

I need to take my child out of class for an appointment. What do I need to do?

The first step is to email your child’s House Leader.  Arrange for them to meet you at Tooth or Junior School reception when you need to leave.  Your child will have to sign out at reception.

What class will my child be in?

Students are allocated to classes in mid-January.  Once this has taken place, you will find this information via Parent Lounge.

What tutor group will my child be in?

Tutor group allocations will be made public the week prior to School commencing each calendar year.

How do I access Parent Lounge

Parent Lounge is accessed here. It is available to all parents of St Paul’s students once that child has commenced at St Paul’s School.

Where do I access my child's report card?

Once reports are available (usually the week after the Semester ends) they will be accessible via Parent Lounge.

When is the Retail Shop open?

The Retail Shop’s opening hours are 8am – 4pm, Monday to Friday during School term time.  More information about the Retail Shop can be found here.

How do I get an embellishment for my child's blazer?

Embellishments are obtained via our Retail Shop.  It is open 8am – 4pm Monday to Friday.

How do I pay my School fees?

You can pay your fees via the Make a Payment page.

How do I make a complaint?

St Paul’s School and Early Learning Centre is committed to fostering a supportive and respectful environment for our students, staff, and community.

We understand the importance of addressing concerns and grievances promptly and fairly. Our complaints process can be used by all members of our community; parents and carers; students and staff.

If your concern relates to child sexual abuse or neglect, contact one of our Student Protection Officers immediately. Their details can be found here

Wherever possible, we encourage concerns to be resolved at the point of contact. This may be your child’s classroom teacher in the Junior School, Tutor in the Secondary School; or the staff member or colleague that has caused you concern.

If you have been unable to resolve the concern at this level, we encourage you to reach out to the appropriate Supervisor, Curriculum Leader, House Leader or Director of Junior School. If you are unsure who that person is, our receptionists will be able to assist you. They can be contacted on 07 3261 1388.

If your concern has still not been resolved, please contact our Complaints Officer on 07 3261 1388 or complete the form here.

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