Oztag clinics
Queensland Oztag provided an opportunity for some of our Junior School classes to experience the fun and excitement of Oztag on Monday 7 August. This dynamic sport is appealing to all ages and our students found it to be a fast-paced and exhilarating game.
“I really enjoyed the Oztag because I found it really interesting when we played the game. One of the activities I really loved were the warm-ups because I found they really helped me throughout the game. I loved how we got to play two games so the second game we could improve.”
Chloe McConaghy 6R
“I really enjoyed playing Oztag because I love to play rugby and touch and we got to play a similar game. I also loved that we got to practice some new cool skills!”
Junho Lee 6R
Information about where to sign up can be found at www.brayparkoztag.com.
Have fun!
Ms Tara Norton
Acting Sport Coordinator (Prep to Year 6)