Our educational approach

St Paul’s is a Pre-Prep to Year 12 Anglican co-educational school. Our purpose is to prepare resilient global citizens, who are innovative thinkers with a heart for servant leadership.

A holistic education

With the world changing faster than ever before, students need very different skills and dispositions than in the past. Business leaders consistently comment that the leaders of tomorrow will need high levels of creativity, empathy and resilience, but also the capacity to work cross-culturally and collaboratively.

Because of this, St Paul’s seeks to offer a truly holistic education – one where students’ academic needs are catered to while also nurturing their character.


Given the rate of global change, St Paul’s has pioneered three distinct pathways for our students – academic, vocational and entrepreneurial – thereby reflecting the changing nature of the economy and society, and giving all our students the best opportunity to create their own story.

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