Join the St Paul’s PAWGUST team!
Looking for your next challenge? Want to be more active? Spend more time with your dog?
You can do all that and raise money for Guide Dog puppies.
Join the St Paul’s PAWGUST Team now!
During the month of August, we challenge you to raise money for Guide Dogs Australia by walking 30 minutes a day for 30 days with your dog (that’s roughly 2km every day).
No dog? No worries! Borrow a neighbour’s dog or take yourself for a walk! Anyone can take part and raise money for this incredible cause.
Guide Dogs Queensland, a part of our local Bald Hills community, rely on our donations to train their incredible pups. It takes over $50,000 to raise a Guide Dog!
So, if you like a challenge, want to keep you and your dog fit and raise money for Guide Dog puppies – click on the “Join Us” button on the page below.
If you’re under 18, an adult needs to complete the registration form!
(The St Paul’s PAWGUST Team is managed by Riley (Year 5) and his dad, Mark. We took part in PAWGUST last year so, if you have any questions about PAWGUST, the St Paul’s Team, or how to fundraise, check out these resources https://www.pawgust.com.au/about/faqs or get in touch with Mark at [email protected]).