It’s the little things that make a big difference
Last week I received a lovely email from a member of the public. It is a great encouragement when someone notices the special things and takes the time to write and show gratitude. This particular person noticed something little, but it obviously had a powerful impact.
She wrote to thank one of our students. She doesn’t know who he is. He wears his uniform with pride and each morning, as he walks from the railway station to the School, he has his eyes open, not fixated on his device.
This young man is looking for litter. He has made a silent commitment to ensure the path he walks is free from rubbish. He doesn’t have to do this. He wasn’t asked, he just silently goes about picking up other people’s rubbish so everyone else walking that way can enjoy a clean environment.
What this young man has chosen to do is very small in the scheme of things, but it is having a big impact. While I am sure he doesn’t do it for recognition, that isn’t his motivation, others have noticed. His small act, carried out with humility, is providing a wonderful example to others. He is truly servant hearted and, as such, is making a difference to others.
At this week’s Chapel service, three students shared their experience of serving others. They had attended this year’s Vanuatu Outreach trip. Six months of preparation culminated in two and a half weeks of service to the children of three small communities on the island of Santo. Their act of service made a difference to the children in Vanuatu, but it had a bigger impact on the students who went. They had their eyes opened to the true value and worth of a person, a hint of what real joy looks like, and how fulfilling a genuine sense of purpose can have.
Part of our purpose as a School is to prepare students who… have a heart for servant leadership. The reason we have this as a key focus is because education is far more than a grade or entrance mark for university; it is about preparing young people to lead and live lives of flourishing – to seek ways in which they can make a difference to others.
My thanks to that young man who, in his own small way, is having a profound impact on those who have seen him.
Dr Paul Browning
Bursary Details:
The Ray Geise Bursary for Service will be offered to one current St Paul’s School student, who will be in Year 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 in 2020.
This Bursary is to the total value of $1,000 (as a reduction in School fees) for 2020 only.
Students should submit a covering letter detailing their performance in pursing the Aims and Goals of the School and must show evidence of consistently caring for others and helping them to live worthwhile and meaningful lives; students must have pride in their School and demonstrate this in their dealings with their peers and indeed the whole School community.
In addition to the covering letter, students should submit a 1000 word essay on “Building a Christian Caring Community in the 21st Century.”
In awarding the Ray Geise Bursary, particular attention will be paid to the performance of the applicants in pursuing the Aims and Goals of the School, and to any financial need which exists in the family.
All Bursary applications and offers are to be treated as private and confidential and are not for public discussion or announcement. Applicants should submit:
- A Bursary Application Form
- A Covering Letter
- An Essay
A separate application should be submitted for each child within a family.
Bursary Application Forms are available from the Headmaster’s Executive Assistant, Ms Sam Beeney, via email request: [email protected]
Bursary applications (including the completed Application Form, Covering Letter and Essay) should be submitted in a sealed confidential envelope by Friday 18 October 2019 (the end of the second week of Term 4) to: Dr Paul Browning, Headmaster, St Paul’s School, 34 Strathpine Road, BALD HILLS QLD 4036.