Insect visit
The Year 1s have learnt about Mini-Beasts (insects) this term and the role that they play in the world.
To generate some deep thinking about the insects’ roles in our environment, William Arnold (Class of 2012) who is studying in the field of Entomology, shared about his study of insects; particularly his study of the Dung Beetle and the insects’ role in the food chain, the benefits to our environment, their special features and characteristics and their life cycle.
William also brought in some of his live “pets” including the Goliath Stick Insect and some preserved specimens for the students to observe. William answered answered lots of questions that were deeply thought-out and highly-inquisitive including, “Why do glow worms glow? How many specimens are taken for preservation? How are they kept in an undamaged state? And how are insects euthanised for specimen preparation?”
William is the son of International School teacher, Ms Sofie Arnold and William went through Junior, Middle and Senior School at St Paul’s before embarking on his chosen path of study at the University of Queensland. We thank William for coming back and donating his valuable time and knowledge to inspire and educate our Year 1s.