eSafety webinars for parents
Children and young people’s online activities are increasing — for education, to socialise with friends and for entertainment.
Of course, none of this would be possible without the internet and technology, and for that we’re eternally grateful. However, we know first-hand the risks associated with children and young people spending more time online.
The good news is the eSafety team are here to help.
Live webinars will be running across April and May and explore the latest research and expert advice for using technology safely, as well as developing the skills to help you and your family stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The webinars are geared towards specific age groups and cover topics such as:
- – Tech, teens and time online
- – Keeping safe and healthy online
- – Keeping your sanity and supporting your kids online
- – Child protection and online learning
To find more information and to register for a webinar, click HERE.
The eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) is Australia’s national independent regulator for online safety.