Chairman of School Council
St Paul’s School a community that is thriving, where young people are equipped with the skills and character traits they need to thrive in a transforming world.
Certainly as a School, we believe that an education worth having is one that is preparing resilient global citizens with a capacity for entrepreneurialism and a heart for servant leadership. Our focus is not about college or career ready, OP, or ATAR ready, but about life ready.
Over the last ten years, the School has been transforming itself to ensure we are at the forefront of the provision of a holistic education. One of the key reasons for this is because of the commitment and vision of the School Council working behind the scenes.
Integral to the transformation to a community that is focused on providing opportunities for young people to thrive has been our Chairman, Mrs Heather Walker.
The end of this year marks the end of Mrs Walker’s time as Chairman at St Paul’s School. She commenced this voluntary role in 2006. The commitment needed for the role is immense. On top of the 10 Council meetings a year, the Chairman is in regular contact with the Headmaster, providing support, advice and wisdom and attends numerous events and activities in the School’s calendar.
Mrs Walker also spends countless hours seeking opportunities to advocate and promote the School.
As the retiring Chairman, the whole of the St Paul’s community acknowledges Mrs Walker and thanks her for her leadership, her focus and passion for an education worth having; one that presents young people all the opportunities to thrive, to have life and have it to the full.
In thanking Mrs Walker, I also introduce Mr Rob Law as the incoming Chairman.
Mr Law is married to Margaret and has four adult children. He holds two degrees, a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physics) and a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics).
Mr Law’s career was as an environmental scientist, working for 10 years with the Victorian Environment Protection Authority before becoming the Director General of the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department. In his role in Hong Kong, he was responsible for $8billion worth of sewage and solid waste infrastructure contracts, an annual recurrent budget of $900million, and all matters pertaining to environmental protection.
In 2001, Mr Law was selected by Business Week magazine as one of Asia’s top 50 leaders at the forefront of change. Upon his retirement, Mr Law was awarded the Hong Kong Silver Bauhinia Star (SBS), the equivalent to a British OBE or an AO, for his services to the people of Hong Kong.
Mr Law currently worships at the Moggill Mt Crosby Parish, where he is a member of the Parish Council. St Paul’s School is in good hands.
World School
There was a proud and affirming moment for me last week during World School, when Steve Austin interviewed two of our visiting teachers, including the principal of a school in Finland, the country that is held up as being the best education system in the world. Steve asked the principal, “What advice would you give Australia to help improve its education system?” Mr Pantena answered, “Do what St Paul’s School is doing – focus on developing the whole person and their ability to think.”
World School gave us an opportunity to showcase to schools from across the globe what we do here at St Paul’s School. The event was a marvellous opportunity and I would like to thank all those families who welcomed visitors into their homes. Every visiting student I spoke to said how welcomed they felt, how much they were cared for and how much they enjoyed visiting our country.
Thank you also to the team of staff and students who worked countless hours to plan, prepare and run the two week event. It was a truly remarkable opportunity and success.