It has taken floods of almost biblical proportions to dislodge the issue of how some men and boys treat women…
Stay connected with all the exciting achievements, events, and updates from the SPS community through our monthly newsletter. Each edition celebrates our vibrant school life and keeps you informed about the latest happenings across our campus.
As you may recall, I have set myself the task of using these e-News articles to explain to parents the…
At the Secondary School Assembly on Monday, I spoke to the students about Character and Community. I’d like to share…
With NAPLAN tests being scheduled for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 next week, now seems like a…
A day at St Paul’s School can mean the sighting of any number of creatures – kangaroos, possums, blue-tongue lizards…
As you know, at St Paul’s School our purpose is to offer a holistic education, which I understand to mean…
This article was written by Dr Justin Coulson and distributed to subscribers of Parenting Ideas. You can view the original…
As I said in my last e-News article, the holistic education that we seek to deliver at St Paul’s School…
During pandemic lockdowns in 2021, Year 5 students at St Paul’s School wrote letters to students at Macarthur Anglican School…
In each of the 60+ classrooms in the Secondary School, you will find a poster headed “St Paul’s School Character…
As I explained in the last e-News, I am keen to use this platform to help parents come to a…
When we lived in Warwick, a highlight of Christmas each year was to visit the house of our friends, Jamie…
Character and virtues; values and ethics. These are the topics that occupy my mind on most days of the week…
By the time you read this, Dr Browning will have announced the names of the Student Leaders for 2022. As…
I regularly encourage students to become students of current affairs by watching the news. As we prepare them to become…
If you Google “leadership quotes” your search will yield thousands of results. Which particular quote you favour is probably a…