This week our DLV4.0 team pitched their innovative solution to their client, Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL). Over the past 14…
Stay connected with all the exciting achievements, events, and updates from the SPS community through our monthly newsletter. Each edition celebrates our vibrant school life and keeps you informed about the latest happenings across our campus.
I just wanted to share with you some really GREAT stuff our Year 6 Environmental captains have been up to!…
On Sunday, 14 March the St Paul’s Earlyact and Interact teams attended the Rotary District 9600 Youth Conference. Both teams…
Here are the results for St Paul’s competitors from the 2020 “Pryde’s EasiFeed Interschool Qld State Championships” run by Interschool…
For the first time ever, in 2020 St Paul’s is offering Technovation Girls as an extra-curricular activity. Technovation is a…
Riley’s dedication, commitment and innovative thinking to raise money for Guide Dogs without a dog! Riley, in Year 4 at…
Sisters Lili and Jazmin Waddell have had a busy start to the year, competing in various equestrian events across the…
Over the Easter holidays preparations continued for the Kokoda Experience with the Kokoda 2019 Team completing a 12km hike to…
I hope last week gave you an insight into the purpose of entrepreneurial thinking and why the Australian, Queensland, and…
Some of you may have seen my selfie at the international departure lounge two weeks ago, ready to embark on…
Recently a group from St Paul’s Interact and Early Act clubs attended the District Conference to collaborate with students from…
Our very own Startup in Residence, Illuminating Distractions, were invited to present at the March Circular Economy Futures Meetup on…
One of our CIE teams, Scrubber Surprise, had a ‘Lunch and Learn’ session last week with a difference… St Paul’s…
In partnership with the University of Queensland, the Centre for Innovators and Entrepreneurs held their first ever Women’s Week LeadHers…
On Monday night at the Deception Bay Lions Club, two Year 12 students Simeon Gover (Gladius) and Praanav Pratap (Scudo) competed…