Book Week 2023 – Secondary School
Book Week 2023 – Secondary School
It’s that time of year – Book Week. A chance to celebrate reading and Australian literature. Did you know that regularly reading for pleasure increases both wellbeing and creative thinking, as well as so many other benefits. There is lots to get involved in this Book Week.
What’s On
World School Art Competition – Possibility Hub. Have your say in which art pieces will be sent to the World School event. Voting is open for one day only.
Spelling Bee – do you have what it takes to win the SPS Spelling Bee? Join in on the Innovation Precinct deck at lunchtime on Monday.
Trivia – lunchtime in the Innovation Precinct, Think Studio 1 and 2. Teams of three will compete on general knowledge and book related trivia. Register teams of three here.
BookCon – from 3:15pm – 4:30pm in the Innovation Precinct. Cosplay – dress up a a book, comic book or movie character. Get changed into your costume after school. Prizes for the most creative, best homemade, most detailed and most authentic costumes. Sherlock Holmes escape room in the Collaborate rooms. Quizzes, prizes, food and games. All welcome.
Badge making and bookmark and notebook string art. Design and create your own badges, bookmarks and notebook covers. Lunchtime in the Possibility Hub.
Graphic Novel Artist and Author Visit – Chris Gooch will be working with the Year 9 and 10 classes on visual literacy and graphic design.
Visiting graphic novel artist and author presentation – Chris Gooch. Lunchtime in the Connect Lounge.
Zine making with visiting graphic novel artist and author, Chris Gooch. Learn the art of graphic design, illustration and putting it all together in your very own zine. Lunchtime in the Possibility Hub.
Short Story Competition
Open to all Secondary School students. Two categories – Years 7 -9 and Years 10-12. Submit a short story on the theme Read, Grow, Inspire. Maximum word count: 1000 words or 40 pages for graphic novels. Competition opens 21st of August and closes Friday of Week 10, 15th of September 2023. Winners will be announced in Term 4.