Year 10 Camp 2020
Last week the year 10 cohort travelled to Stirling’s Crossing, a beautiful Equestrian Centre just outside of Imbil, to experience their Rite of Passage Camping experience. The weather across the first two days of the camp was very challenging given the extreme storm cells which hit the area in the afternoon on the Tuesday and then throughout the night on Wednesday.
The facilities the camp used allowed all camp groups to shelter in safety during the storms and the program was modified so that no groups were placed in situations of risk. The students were very flexible in adapting to the changes and making the most of the difficulties they were presented with.
Luckily, the weather turned for the better on the final two days allowing for all the groups to complete their activities program and take part in the celebratory dinner on the final night and the ceremony which followed. This camp has become a very significant moment for our year 10 students, as it marks their transition into the final two years of their educational journey and their movement into the role of student leaders at St Paul’s.
The camp is filled with symbolism which aims to mark the transition the students are experiencing. Each student engages in both individual and group reflection and participate in a number of meaningful activities which culminate at the Rite of Passage ceremony on the Thursday night. This ceremony is led by Reverend Mark and both Dr Browning and Mr Grant address the students. Their messaging is always very meaningful and a fitting way to end the students’ four day experience.
The final day of camp is a celebration of the students’ four year outdoor education journey and features a series of group challenges where student camp groups are pitted against each other to determine the most skilled and cohesive camping unit. This ending is always filled with hilarious moments as students race to set up and take down their tents and camping equipment, mountain bike, and resolve puzzles they have been challenged to complete across the camp. The event begins with group war cries and is fantastic entertainment for the staff and camp leaders.
The students were tremendously resilient across the four days and they met the challenges they were confronted with good humour and determination. The camp brings House groups together, extends and builds on friendships and provides the year level with a fabulous shared experience. Those students who attended have memories they will enjoy recalling for life.