Student Protection

Redress for victims of historical sexual abuse at St Paul’s School

Making right the wrongs of the past: Redress for victims of historical sexual abuse at St Paul’s School.

Protection for children and young people is of paramount importance and Anglican Schools are required to follow the Diocesan policy.

During the 1980s and 1990s there were students at St Paul’s School who were sexually abused by one or more of three perpetrators, a music teacher, a school counsellor and a student.

The conduct of the Diocese and the School during the time this abuse was perpetrated and in subsequently responding to the survivors was analysed in 2015 during Case Study 34 at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. A public apology was offered at that hearing.

In 2017, a special memorial garden was built at the centre of the school, with the support of a group of victims and their families. The garden, called “The Beginning of Peace”, is a permanent reminder of the deep sorrow the school feels for not keeping those young men safe while they attended St Paul’s School.

Anyone is welcome to visit that space at any time.

If you were a victim of abuse while you attended St Paul’s School we wish to extend a personal apology to you. The lack of proper systems, policies and practices in the 1980s and 1990s let you and other young people down terribly. People who should have been trustworthy, betrayed and abused vulnerable young people. The crimes should never had have occurred, and certainly should never been allowed to continue for as long as they did.

We are deeply sorry.

The culture of St Paul’s School has changed. It is a vastly different school to what it was. It is a place that values the voice of the students; their pastoral care, wellbeing and holistic development is central to everything we do. We are committed to ensuring that what happened in the past never occurs again.

Through the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane, you are entitled to ongoing counselling, compensation, and your parents are entitled to a refund of the school fees paid. The Diocese is also a participant in the National Redress Scheme.

The large portion of compensation and redress should be covered by the Diocesan insurance. The difference, and the refund of school fees, is paid by the School.

All claims are handled by a specialist team at the Diocese of Brisbane. If you are a victim, you are welcome to contact the school and we can support you in navigating the process or you can contact the Diocese directly at [email protected] or visit

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