About St Paul’s School

Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

St Paul’s School is a student-centred Anglican community with a purpose of preparing resilient global citizens who are innovative thinkers with a heart for servant leadership. Our vision is to transform educational thinking and practice.

Our Philosophy

We believe that each person is uniquely crafted in the image of our creator God, each with gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses. From birth we are on a journey towards the fulfilment of our God-given purpose. We were designed to be relational beings (both socially and spiritually), interacting with the world which has been entrusted to our care and interacting with each other in community. Learning is a result of our interaction with each other and our world. The more we embrace life, the more we seek to discover or create, the more we learn and the greater is our potential.

Learning is a life-long pursuit, or journey, of which the years of formal education form a small part. St Paul’s School believes that the purpose of education is to:

  • Create an environment whereby students can discover their identity and their gifts and talents without a fear of failure: Students should come to an understanding that success in life is the result of the ability to take risks. Often the greatest discoveries have been made through a mistake.
  • Prepare students to become responsible and contributing global citizens in the increasingly complex world economy: Students should leave St Paul’s School with a strong sense of empathy and a conviction to act when they see injustice and inequity, always seeking to put others rather than themselves at the centre of the community.
  • Facilitate the growth of the whole person: Students should have the opportunity to grow academically, socially, emotionally, physically, aesthetically and spiritually.
  • Develop in young people the confidence to shape the future: Students should be given opportunities to be flexible, to be able to discern change and adapt to their local environment without losing sight of their moral and ethical grounding. Students are encouraged to dream, imagine and create a future whereby their sense of fulfilment is attained.
  • Develop in each student the fruits of the Spirit: Students should embrace love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control as characteristics that will enable them to interact, communicate, relate to and serve others in community in an edifying and purposeful manner.
  • Challenge students intellectually: Students should stretch their minds and imagination, critique, think collaboratively, analyse and communicate.

Statement of Values

By Faith and by Learning we strive to grow in Community with God and each other, valuing each person and creating an environment in which all may flourish.

Statement of Values - venn diagram

We value Faith believing;

  • Each person is a unique creation of a loving, redeeming God and able to be empowered and sustained by the Holy Spirit through the teaching and life of Jesus Christ.
  • Each person can have a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, demonstrated by modeling one’s life on Christ, serving others and participating in the traditions and practice of the Anglican Church.

We value Learning where;

  • Students are encouraged and supported as they strive to reach their intellectual, creative, physical, social, moral, emotional and spiritual potential in a balanced and disciplined way.
  • Students fully explore a range of topics, themes and concepts which have relevance, real-world application and a focus towards the future.

We value Community where;

  • Students, staff and families support the aims, purpose and mission of the School and serve one another using their God-given gifts.
  • Students, staff and families grow together in faith and learning, promoting love, justice and mercy – at home, at School and in the wider world.
  • Students remain connected to the St Paul’s community when they graduate, through a vibrant Past Students’ Association.

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